Hannah’s journey to Yoga

Hello and thank you for being here!

My name is Hannah, I have been practising yoga for over 11 years and teaching for 6 years.

I have a studio, which I share with my mum, Julie, she is a pilates teacher. The studio is in the heart of Alverstoke village. It is in a very special location and the studio is so unique! We feel so lucky to have this space to share and enjoy with you.

The Studio

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My yoga practise begun properly when I was 18 in my first year of drama school in London.

I use to practise in my room to help with my anxiety and self confidence. I continued to practise throughout my study and living in London. Life became very intense with living in London, attending auditions and working a side job. It all became a bit too much, so I moved back home to the seaside. I decided I needed to get away and do something else! I felt a calling to train as a yoga teacher, however, I really felt the urge to go somewhere out of England. I found a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) in Bali. I went there for 1 month, undergoing a 200hr YTT with East + West Yoga. This training transformed my life.

I actually spent a lot of time talking to one of the teachers, Gurumukh. He grew up in a monastery in India and his outlook on life was so different (in the best way) to anything I had experienced in England so far. I think coming from a highly competitive industry in London to meeting a group of teachers who were so loving, supportive and light-hearted was exactly what I needed at the time. I will never forget this time and how it was a huge stepping stone towards a happier and healthier life.

I have since undergone a 30hr back-bending training with world renowned Talia Sutra and a 50hr Meditation and Pranayama training with East + West Yoga, where I had the honour to learn directly from a Buddhist monk. Most recently I graduated from a 300 hour YTT in Rishikesh, India, with Talia Sutra at Love And All Is Coming.

Bali and India..

Ever since my original training in Bali, my teaching, my approach to others and my mindset has been hugely impacted by what I experienced. I endeavour to bring to others the transformation I went through by following this path.

And with that I would love to welcome you to our beautiful studio for In-Person Classes and Workshops. I also have an Online Practising Platform. If you cannot attend in person, this is the perfect way to practise and learn together. Even if you can attend in person I would highly recommend a home practise. Practising more than once a week will be extremely beneficial for your physical and mental well-being. All you need is somewhere clean and comfortable to place your mat. Then just follow along with any class you feel like on the day, from flexibility training to full body practises to meditation and prānāyāma and much more. Sometimes just 5 minutes to yourself is all you need!


  • 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with East + West Yoga, in Bali
  • 300 hour YTT with Talia Sutra, Love And All Is Coming, in India
  • 30 hour Back Bending Intensive training with Talia Sutra
  • 50 hour Meditation and Prānāyāma with East + West Yoga & Buddhist monks

Hannah taught a weekly meditation class for the charity Mind during lockdown via Zoom. This experience highlighted to Hannah how important it is to have these ancient wisdoms and teachings present in everyones life.

Mind Logo

Hannah is now branching out into offering retreats worldwide! Stay posted.


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Start Your Yoga Life Today

If you have any questions please send them my way!