Hannah’s style of teaching has been greatly influenced over her 10 years of practise, from many expert teachers and her own journey through yoga.

Hannah’s style of teaching is mainly a Vinyasa & Hatha based approach, with influences from Bikram yoga (the Ghosh lineage) and Yin yoga. Hannah has found herself gravitating towards these styles due to the way they perfectly compliment each other.

Over Hannah’s 6 years of teaching she has found these styles of yoga to suit all age groups and abilities. Providing us with a dynamic yet achievable practise. There will always be modifications to the postures if needed.

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Yoga Styles


One of the most practised styles around the world. It is characterised by its breath to movement flows.


All the styles of yoga you see today came from the original Hatha. Hatha is a moral code for life, it is built on the eight limbs of yoga. It is much more than a physical practise, it is a way of life. Alignment focussed.


Traditionally taught in a heated room, while practising the same 26 postures (there are 84 in total) and 2 breathing exercises. What Hannah draws from the Bikram style is the structured teaching method of each asana and the alternation of effort and rest.


Yin is comprised of mainly seated and supine postures, that require little effort. Hannah likes to draw on Yin to practise deep rest and reset and to increase flexibility and mental space.

Meditation & Pranayama

At the heart of all yoga practises is meditation. Meditation is a way of harnessing our minds, so they work with us and not against us. Pranayama (yogic breath work) will detox the body; purification is also helpful towards meditation.

Hannah will enourage you to return towards a meditative state and help guide you towards finding this place within you; through seated meditations, breathwork and asana.

During lockdown Hannah taught meditation for the charity Mind to their carers as a weekly class. Hannah found it very moving to see how people truly needed these ancient teachings and wisdom in their life.

Hannah feels greatly blessed to have learnt from masters of yoga during her trainings. She brings these authentic and joyous teachings to her classes. We are always a student and always learning! The journey of self exploration and transformation never ends.

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About Hannah

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